Glenda Feeken - Come Live and Play on the Kenai

Glenda Feeken

Benefits of a Pre-Inspection

The benefits of ordering an appraisal and an inspection when initially listing the home can make the entire marketing process move smoother and quicker.

Establishes Objective Value

The price is not merely set by the seller but placed on the home by a disinterested third party whose profession is to value property.

Establishes Basis for Comparison

The inspection can be used to compare with subsequent reports and can help to validate or challenge their findings.

Creates Awareness of Condition of Home

A third party inspection of the home by an inspector will identify areas that need attention and serve as a marketing tool to buyers to give proof to the condition. It can also be used to challenge claims that the buyer’s inspector might make.

Anticipates Potential Problem Areas

If certain things are identified by the first inspection, it gives the seller the opportunity to repair them at competitive rates instead of possibly having to rush to get them done prior to closing.

Saves Time

By understanding what might need to be done to a home early in the marketing process, it can save critical time between the contract and closing.

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